Dental laminate (laminate or dental veneer) is one of the cosmetic restoration methods in dentistry, which is done by placing a layer of the same color as the teeth on them. Laminate is used to correct the color and design of teeth. In these very thin shells, which are made for each person according to the shape and characteristics of his teeth, materials with natural colors and close to the color of the teeth are used. To create a more beautiful smile, laminates are installed on the front part of the teeth to achieve this by changing factors such as the size of the teeth, the distance between them, the color and the shape of the teeth.

The order of laminate implementation steps
These steps start by shaving a certain amount of tooth enamel thickness and continue with molding. After molding and before the laminate is prepared and installed, a temporary veneer is placed on the teeth as a restoration to protect the chipped teeth.

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